We look forward to hearing from you!

Our location

Kindertagesstätte Life
Rudolf Brunnerstrasse 4
8700 Küsnacht

Tel. 044 548 32 30


Opening Hours

MO - FR 7:00 am- 6:30 pm


Lizenzierte Montessori Einrichtung

Assoziation Montessori (Schweiz), AM(S)


Image result for wir bilden profis




Registration Form
Which location are you interested in?

Number of Children? *

Name of Child *

Date of Birth *

How many times a week you would like your child / children to be with us? (Min. 2 days per week)

Which Days?

Desired Entry Date *

Subsidized Childcare

Last Name (Both parents) *

First Name (Both parents) *

Street / Nr. *

Zip code & Province *

Telephone *

E-Mail *

Your Message

Security code **

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= Mandatory items
= Please insert security code into the empty field.